Social Studies Community Partnerships

The Martin County School District strives to engage students not only in the classroom but in the community through our various partnerships.

Constitution Week

Working with the Martin County Bar Association (MCBA), we host guest speakers for our K12 students around the week of September 17 each year to honor "Constitution Day".  

Constitution Week

Pledge to Vote, Voting Poster Contests, and Mock Voting 

Working with the Supervisor of Elections, we sponsor annual events to pre-register 17 year old students, so they can exercise their constitutional right to vote at age 18.  Poster contests for middle and high school students are also conducted that result in monetary prizes for first, second, and third place winners.  Additionally, mock voting is conducted for middle school students so they can experience the process of voting for National and State candidates.

"Pledge to Vote", Voting Poster Contests, and Mock Voting


Youth in Government

Working with the YMCA, middle and high school students participate in the YIG program at school sites.  Their efforts culminate in annual state assemblies that involve mock executive, legislative, and judicial proceedings. Their mantra is "Debate Ideas, not People."   

Youth in Government